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《Through The Rain》是谁唱的 歌曲原唱玛丽亚·凯莉填词玛丽亚·凯莉、莱昂内尔·科尔

2023-05-16 13:55:01     

  《Through The Rain》是玛丽亚·凯莉原唱歌曲,该歌曲发行于,共时长0时04分48秒钟。《Through The Rain》是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲的歌词和曲谱由玛丽亚·凯莉和莱昂内尔·科尔谱写,由玛丽亚·凯莉、詹姆斯·哈里斯·三世和特里·刘易斯制作。

  这首歌收录于玛丽亚·凯莉的第九张录音室专辑 《Charmbracelet》中,并作为推广专辑的单曲于2002年10月17日通过小岛唱片发行。

  《Through The Rain》在美国公告牌百强舞曲榜夺冠。

  中文名:Through The Rain










When you are caught in the rainWith nowere to runWhen you're distraughtAnd in pain, without anyoneand you feel so far awayThat you just can't find your way homeyou can get there aloneit's okayWhat you say isI can make it through the rainI can stand up once againOn my own and I knowThat I'm strong enough to mendAnd every time I feel afraidI hold tighter to my faithAnd I live one more dayAnd I make it through the rainAnd if you keep falling downDon't you dare give inYou will arise safe and soundSo keep pressing on steadfastlyAnd you'll find what you need to prevailWhat you say isI can make it through the rainI can stand up once againOn my own and I knowThat I'm strong enough to mendAnd every time I feel afraidI hold tighter to my faithAnd I live one more dayAnd I make it through the rainAnd when the wind blowsAs shadows grow closeDon't be afraidThere's nothing you can't faceAnd should they tell youYou'll never pull throughDon't hesitateStand tall and say II can make it through the rainI can stand up once againOn my own and I knowThat I'm strong enough to mendAnd every time I feel afraidI hold tighter to my faithAnd I live one more dayAnd I'll make it through the rainI can make it through the rainAnd stand up once againAnd I live one more day, and II can make it through the rainOh yes, you canYou're gonna make it through the rain.当你在淋雨的时候无处可躲当你悲痛欲绝、万分痛苦的时候无人陪伴当你痛哭寻求班助的时候无人安慰,路途是那么的遥远无法找到回家的路你能一个人承受的你可以的,告诉自己我会度过这风雨我能自己再站起来我会坚强的、一切会更好当我觉得害怕的时候我会更加信守我的信念撑过一天又一天度过这风雨如果你一直跌到不要放弃你会安然度过只要你坚持住站稳脚跟你会发现你要战胜的东西告诉自己我会度过这风雨我能自己再站起来我会坚强的一切会更好当我觉得害怕的时候我会更加信守我的信念撑过一天又一天度过这风雨当风雨大作时阴影笼罩,不要害怕没有什么是不能面对的当有人指引你怎么做时你就永远不会明白不要犹豫站起来大声说我会度过这风雨我能自己再站起来我会坚强的一切会更好当我觉得害怕的时候我会更加信守我的信念撑过一天又一天我会度过这风雨我会度过这风雨我能自己再站起来撑过一天又一天我会度过这风雨是的,你可以你会度过这风雨的我会度过这风雨是的,你可以你会度过这风雨的

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